These repetitive claims of “institutional racism” where nothing suspicious exists are starting to stink of political opportunism.

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And mendacity. I know the RCMP has a Communications Officer and the Alberta Chief Medical Examiner probably has one under the general provincial government. I wish they would push back against these defamatory remarks. Their silence just reinforces a popular belief that there really is institutional racism.

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Feb 8Liked by Michael Melanson

I honestly wonder how many others are starting to see the accusations of "institutional racism" for what they are. Perfectly reasonable explanations were given to them by both organizations but, they didn't get what they wanted so let's throw around juvenile unfounded accusations.

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I’ve also avoided the “L” word and see you slipped in the “M” word. I think the time is coming, soon, to take off the gloves.

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Feb 8·edited Feb 8Liked by Michael Melanson

We have all heard the phrase, "bullshit baffles brains" and this scenario curiously validates it. History will look back at this fallacious episode and blush with embarrassment just as many of us do today. Trying to understand how an entire nation could go so far off the track is an elusive exercise but perhaps a brain scan of the progenitor, Justin Trudeau, may be reveal some answers.

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